Institute for Mathematical Stochastics

Felix-Bernstein-Chair for Mathematical Statistics

Our group develops statistical and computational methods for extracting relevant information from complex data. Our interest ranges from fundamental mathematical-statistical research to the development of methods and software for the analysis of experimental data in the lab sciences, in particular from biochemistry, structural biology, molecular genetics, and optics. Some aspects of our research on nanostatistics has been highlighted in the Research Features Magazine. A summary of our current work on optimal transport based data analysis can be found at the 2021 IMS medallion lecture "Empirical Optimal Transport: Inference, Algorithms, Applications" (external link) For further information see also Max Planck Fellow Group "Statistical Inverse Problems in Biophysics" at Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry and   Felix-Bernstein-Institute for Mathematical Statistics in the Biosciences.

Members of the research group:

Associated Scientists:
PhD students:
B.Sc.-/M.Sc.-/research students:
Team Assistent:
System Administration:
Former members:
Further information: