Dr. Tobias Kley
Room 2.191: Goldschmidtstr. 3-5
Phone: +49 551 39 172136
Office hours: by appointment
In the studies of mathematics in Göttingen, the student counselling of the Institute for Mathematical Stochastics (IMS) takes care of questions regarding the substantial elaboration of the main focus in SP4 “Mathematical Stochastics”.
Generally, the choice of a thesis topic will be decided in consultation between the student and the mentor. For that, students firstly need to attend the basic lectures, which are offered by the Institute for Mathematical Stochastics, and will have to take part in cycle lectures afterwards. It is highly recommended to attend at least one cycle lecture of the respective lecturer before starting the bachelor thesis. In the case of a master thesis even two cycle lectures of the respective lecturer are highly recommended. It is often the case that professors simultaneously offer seminars and cycle lectures with topics that are connected. Topics of a final thesis naturally result as a sequel of a seminar or lecture.
For general questions regarding the organization of the studies of mathematics in Göttingen, please contact:
Studienberatung Mathematik