Online-Journals (list of the institute) Here you can find the most important online-journals of the institute. For each at least the abstract is online. By clicking on the journal's name, you will be redirected to the appropriate homepage - if possible directly to the directory of the available volume. Because the availability of the online-journals may differ from day to day this page will be refreshed frequently in the future. Please contact us, if you locate any errors. If you wish so, more (online-)journals can be added to this list.
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Advances in Applied Mathematics nein ja ab 1980 Advances in Applied Probability ja, FMAG ja ab 1998 Advances in Statistical Analysis ja ab 2004 American Mathematical Monthly ja, FMAG ja 1894-2002 American Statistician ja ja ab 2001 Ann. l´Institut H. Poincaré (B) Probability and Statistics ja, FMAG ja ab 1997 Ann. l´Institut H. Poincaré (C) Non Linear Analysis nein ja ab 1997 Annals of Applied Probability ja, FMAG ja ab 1991 Annals of Combinatorics ja, FMAG ja ab 1997 Annals of Mathematical Statistics ja, FMAG ja 1930-1972 Annals of Probability ja, FMAG ja ab 1973 Annals of Statistics ja, FMAG ja ab 1973 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics ja, FMAG ja 1997-2009 Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis nein ja 1985-1999 Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry nein ja ab 1999 Astin Bulletin ja ja ab 1985 Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics nein ja ab 1997 Australian Mathematical Society Gazette nein ja ab 1995 Austrian Journal of Statistics nein ja ab 1996 Bernoulli ja, FMAG ab 1995 Biometrical Journal ja, FMAG ja ab 1959 Biometrics ja, FMAG, BBM ja ab 1999 Biometrika ja, FMAG ja ab 1901 Biostatistics nein ja ab 2000 British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology ja ab 1999 Canadian Journal of Statistics ja, FMAG ja ab 1973 Chaos ja ab 1991 Chinese Annals of Mathematics ja, FMAG ja ab 1999 Combinatorica ja ab 1988 Combinatorics, Probability and Computing ja, FMAG ja ab 1997 Communications in Mathematical Physics ja, BBP ja ab 1965 Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation nein ja ab 2001 Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods ja, FMAG ja ab 2001 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations ja, FMAG ja ab 2002 Computational Statistics & Data Analysis nein ja ab 1983 Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine ja ab 1985 Computer Science Monographs ja, FMAG ja ab 2005 Controlled Clinical Trials ja ab 1980 Dynamical Systems ja, FMAG ja ab 1999 Dynamics and Stability of Systems ja, FMAG ja 1999-2000 Econometric Theory ja ab 1998 Econometrica (neuere Jahrgänge) ja ab 1999 Econometrica (ältere Jahrgänge) ja, FMAG ja 1933-2003 Econometrics Journal ja, FMAG ja ab 1998 Educational Studies in Mathematics ja, FMAG ja ab 1968 Electronic Communications in Probability nein ja ab 1996 Electronic Journal of Probability nein ja ab 1996 Environmental and Ecological Statistics nein ja ab 1994 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems ja, FMAG ja ab 1997 ESAIM: Probability and Statistics ja ab 1997 European Journal of Combinatorics nein ja ab 1992 Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics ja, FMAG ja ab 1998 Finance and Stochastics ja, FMAG ja ab 1997 Fractals ja, FMAG ja ab 1993 International Journal of Game Theory ja, FMAG ja ab 1998 International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology ja, FMAG ja 1999-2005 Inverse Problems ja, FMAG ja ab 1985 Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (JRME Online) nein ja ab 1997 Journal of Agricult., Biol., Environmental Statistics (JABES) ja, FMAG ja 1997-2000 ab 2001 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis ja ab 1988 Journal of Applied Probability ja, FMAG ja ab 1998 Journal of Applied Statistics nein ja ab 1995 Journal of Business & Economic Statistics (JBES) nein ja 1997-2000 ab 2001 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology ja ab 1990 Journal of Complexity ja, FMAG ja ab 1985 Journal of Data Science nein ja ab 2003 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations ja ab 1989 Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems ja Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications ja, FMAG ja ab 1960 Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Problems ja ab 2002 Journal of Multivariate Analysis ja,FMAG ja ab 1971 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics (neuere Jahrgänge) ja, FMAG ja ab 2002 Journal of Statistical Physics ja, BBP ja ab 1969 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference bestellt ja ab 1977 letzte 12 Monate Journal of Statistical Software ja ab 1996 Journal of Statistics Education nein ja ab 1993 Journal of the American Statistical Association: ältere Jahrgänge ja, FMAG ja 1922-2000 Journal of the Japan Statistical Society ja ab 2002 Journal of the London Mathematical Society ja, FMAG ja ab 1997 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society ja, FMAG ja 1887-1947 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (General) ja, FMAG ja 1948-1987 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (Statistics in Society) ja, FMAG ja ab 1997 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (Methodological) (neuere Jahrgänge) ja, FMAG ja ab 1997 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (Methodological) (ältere Jahrgänge) ja, FMAG ja 1948-1997 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (Applied Statistics) (neuere Jahrgänge) ja, FMAG ja ab 1997 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (Applied Statistics) (ältere Jahrgänge) ja, FMAG ja 1952-2001 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series D (Incorporated Statistician) nein ja 1950-1961 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series D (The Statistician) nein ja 1962-2001 Journal of Theoretical Probability ja, FMAG ja ab 1988 Journal of Time Series Analysis ja, FMAG ja ab1997 Lifetime Data Analysis nein ja ab 1995 Mathematical Finance nein ja ab 1997 Mathematische Semesterberichte ja, FMAG ja ab 1995 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability nein ja ab 1999 Metrika ja, FMAG ja ab 1998 Moscow Mathematical Journal ja, FMAG ja ab 2001 Neural Networks nein ja ab 1988 Nonlinearity ja, FMAG ja ab 1988 Oxford Bulletin of Economics & Statistics ja, FMAG ja ab 1963 Probability and Mathematical Statistics ja ab 1980 Probability Surveys nein ja ab 2004 Probability Theory and Related Fields ja, FMAG ja ab 1987 Publications Mathématiques de L´IHÉS ja, FMAG ja ab 2001 Publications of the American Statistical Association ja 1888-1919 Quarterly Publications of the American Statistical Association ja 1920-1921 Random Operators and Stochastic Equations ja, FMAG ja ab 1998 Risk Analysis ja, FMAG ja ab 1981 Sankhya, Series A ja, FMAG ja ab 2008 Sankhya, Series B ja, FMAG ja ab 2008 Scandinavian Actuarial Journal ja, FMAG ja ab 1999 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics ja, FMAG ja ab 1997 Significance ja ab 2004 Statistica Neerlandica ja, FMAG ja ab 1997 Statistica Sinica nein ja ab 1991 Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes nein ja ab 1998 Statistical Methodology ja ab 2004 Statistical Science ja, FMAG ja ab 1996 Statistics ja, FMAG ja ab 2002 Statistics & Probability Letters ja, FMAG ja ab 1982 Statistics and Computing nein ja ab 1991 Statistics in Medicine nein ja ab 1997 Stochastic Analysis and Applications ja, FMAG ja ab 2001 Stochastic Models ja, FMAG ja ab 2001 Stochastic Processes and their Applications ja, FMAG ja ab 1973 Stochastics ja, FMAG ja ab 2002 Stochastics and Dynamics nein ja ab 2001 Stochastics and Stochastics Reports ja ab 2002 Studies in Applied Mathematics ja, FMAG ja ab 1997 Teaching Statistics ja ab 2000 Theory of Probability and Its Applications ja, FMAG ja ab 1997 Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics ja, FMAG ja ab 2004 Understanding Statistics ja 2002-2004 Zeitschrift fuer Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und verwandte Gebiete ja, FMAG ja 1962-1986 Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik ja, FMAG ja ab 1990 ab 1997
Contact: Pia Weibelzahl Prof. Dr. Tatyana Krivobokova
Kontakt Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
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37073 Göttingen
Tel. 0551 39-0