SFB755 Nanoscale Photonic Imaging
Subproject - A4 -
Data driven image selection for photonic counting data
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
- Institute for x-ray-physics (Prof. Dr. Tim Salditt)
- MPI für biophsikalische Chemie:
Project Management:
- Prof. Dr. A. Munk, Göttingen
- Dr. Jörn Dannemann
Image reconstruction methods based on Poisson data from nano-scale (fluorescence) microscopy are based on regularization techniques to deconvolve the observed data. They require a proper selection of tuning parameters such as the stopping iteration in Richardson-Lucy deconvolution. Its automatic, i.e. purely data driven, choice is a major challenge in image processing. We will develop methods for Poisson data, with stochastic multiresolution analysis as the primary tool.