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Titel der Arbeit
Scherzer, O. 2003 Scale-Space Methods and Regularization for Denoising and Inverse Problems Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics 128 445-530 See, K. Y. and Deng, J. 2004 Measurement of Noise Source Impedance of SMPS Using a Two Probes Approach IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics Vol. 19, No. 3 862-868 Senior, Andrew 2001 A Combination Fingerprint Classifier IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence Vol. 23, No. 10 1165-1174 Shapiro, A. and Botha, J. D. 1991 Variogram Fitting with a General Class of Conditionally Nonnegative Definite Functions Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 11 87-96 Shawe-Taylor, J., Williams, Ch. K. I., Cristianini, N. and Kandola, J. 2005 On the Eigenspectrum of the Gram Matrix and the Generalization Error of Kernel-PCA IEEE Transaction On Information Theory Vol. 51, No. 7 2510-2522 Shen, Y., Zhou, C. and Lin, K. 2005 Leaf Image Retrival Using a Shape Based Method International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Applications and Innovations 2005 711-719 Sheng, W., Howells, G., Fairhurst, M. and Deravi, F. 2007 A Memetic Fingerprint Matching Algorithm IEEE Transaction On Information Forensics and Security Vol. 2, No. 3 402-412 Smith, C. A. B. 1979 Note on the Forms of Dermatoglyphic Patterns Dermatoglyphics: Fifty Years Later 43-52 Steinebach, J. 1998 On a Conjecture Of Revesz and its Analogue for Renewal Processes Asymptotic Methods in Probability and Statistics Vol. in honour of Miklos Csörgo 311-322
Pia Weibelzahl
Prof. Dr. Tatyana Krivobokova